Tuesday 8 December 2009

Day 85 :: Five Days and Counting

I think Emily explained it best in her latest post, and I'll second her on the attack of senioritus! Plus, everybody and their Mom seems to want to spend their EOY marketing dollars, leaving me feeling a might bit cooked on the work front as well.

In fact, my schedule is so jumbled that I'm having to split my workout (as Patrick has suggested all along) to jump in the morning and strength train in the afternoon/evenings. Since it's such a contrast to how I normally workout, I'm going to treat it like an experiment and finish out these last five days with the split routine. Let's see what happens.

Oh, and by the way, FIVE DAYS TO GO!!


  1. You're heading into the home-stretch, and looking fantastic! Keep it up!

  2. I have contemplated the split routine as well. I remember in high school, the football season was near when the guys went to two-a-days. They all groaned, but it was the best way to accomplish the bigger task. I was a band geek and we even did some two-a-days near competitions.

    Great news on the marketing front. Good for you. Okay, counting down!

  3. I always seem to exhaust my EOY marketing dollars around May... sigh...

  4. I feel you on the end-of-year crunch business. Hang in there. At least you look great!
