Friday 4 December 2009

Day 81 :: Eavesdropping at Whole Foods

At lunchtime today I'd run to my local Whole Foods to pick up, what else, eggs! OK, and a few other things. Anyway. While standing in checkout line I overheard this conversation...

Customer: (standing in front of the chilled drink display)
Excuse me, where's the Diet Coke?

Clerk: Well, we don't carry sodas like that. We do have unsweetened coffee, tea and there's water, of course.

Customer: No, I want something sweet but without sugar. I really want a Diet Coke, or OH! a Diet Snapple.

Clerk: I'm sorry, we don't carry anything with artificial sweeteners.

Customer: (getting a little irritated now) But, I'm diabetic and I can't have anything with sugar. This is supposed to be a health food store and you don't carry anything for diabetics?!

Clerk: (patiently) We do carry unsweetened coffee, tea and there's always water.

Customer: (walking away and grumbling to her companion)
This is ridiculous. I really want a Diet Coke!

People, I mean... just... WOW. I had this 3o second fantasy of being a healthy eating crusader (yes, there was a cape) and gently patting a nutritional citation stickie on the forehead of that customer. In reality, all I could do was shake my head.


  1. Banging head on desk. ugh.

    You should definitely have the cape.

  2. Knock...knock. Anybody home?

  3. Wow, where to start with that one?
