Thursday 3 December 2009

Day 80 :: Curse of the Final Indulgence

For all of you considering joining the PCP, consider yourself warned. By the time you're allowed the third indulgence, you're not going to want it AT ALL and you'll most likely be a liiiiiittle sorry for it the next day!

Yesterday, I struggled with a phenomenal food hangover -- sluggish, grumpy, el bloato -- all over a pile of linguine with white clam sauce, crusty bread and two glasses of red wine.

This homemade meal was a favorite and on regular rotation in our household. If ever we wanted to be guaranteed full-blown yumminess, it's hard to beat this number of fresh clams, garlic, hot peppers... mmm. But when I look at it through my now thoroughly polished PCP lenses, the WAY that I ate it, usually two helpings of mostly pasta late at night, was not so good.

While the meal was tasty, I had to battle the impulse to also steam a pot of veggies. And, the crusty white farm bread for sopping up all them juices? Ugh, it's just a spongey hunk of sugary, nutritional nothingness. The wine was sensational, but when combined with enough carbs to fuel my current PCP breakfast and lunch, I paved the way for a groggy and very puffy self the next day. I was going to snap new photos tonight, but I think I need to give my bloated tummy one more day.

Going forward, I think I'll still indulge in this former favorite, but with some major portion alterations. Much less pasta, more clams, and a huge salad of chopped veggies. Wine, yes, but in moderation. That nasty white dinner bread is outta here, though!

So here's to day 80, my PCPeeps -- as of tomorrow,
only 9 days left to go!!


  1. I'm curious—have the changes in your diet rubbed off on D?

  2. Go back and read the lead up to your 1st indulgence post sometime. The mind is stronger than any muscle.

  3. Patrick -- Oh yeah, I totally get it now. Loud and clear!

    Emily -- Good question! D is an occasional carnivore, and while that probably won't change, he's mentioned that he wants to eat cleaner, vegetarian meals more often. He'll never give up salt, but he has become more aware of how much salt is hidden in foods. Plus, having a bounty of fresh fruits and yogurt available has impacted his snack choices. I'd really like to get him off processed foods, though. Not that he eats much of them, but still, they're just evil.

    What about your man P?

  4. It's been really neat, actually. He was really resistant at first, mostly to the salt and oil bit. But he's been taking leftovers to work for lunch, and he's finding things he used to eat too salty. Even the guy who sits next to him at work has started eating healthier (and also jumped on the hard-boiled egg wagon.) And he loves the addition of fish to our diet...I think he was missing animal protein more than he realized.
