Thursday 29 October 2009

Day 45 :: Halfway There!

When I'm about midway through my PCP workout, I'm feeling pretty great. The early a.m. sleepiness has shaken off, my heart is pumping, there's fresh oxygenated blood coursing through my body, I hit the groove and my mind is clear.

That's pretty much where I'm at right now on day 45. I'm now seeing (and feeling!) new muscles ripple as I move and post workout energy levels are phenomenal. These amazing results are far greater than anything that came from my old running/gym training days. No doubt about it, signing up for the PCP was one of the best things I've done for myself since starting a regular yoga practice.

I'm betting the 90 day group is also feeling fairly fine -- congrats to you guys on a huge achievement!

Wishing a fabulous day and a big HOO YEA to my pack of 45ers, Emily, Denise, Jonti, and Naomi, I'm so proud of us! Now that the other PCPeeps are finishing, it's up to our little group to keep at it -- fat blasting, muscle pumping, healthy eating and blogging it out.

Ben Stiller as Starsky says

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Day 44 :: Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I'm having some reservations about handing out Halloween candy.

My man D suggests I may be taking things too seriously, but I don't know. I feel like if I'm going to walk the PCP talk, I can't possibly be dishing out the sweets to the already hyper-sugared neighborhood kids. Not to mention that any leftover candy always goes straight to work with D, and his shop of 30-50 year old guys who don't need it either.

"So, what are you going to do," D asks, "be one of those annoying ladies who gives out apples?"

What do you guys think, am I overreacting? If not, what to give out? Small bags of pretzels (which are really a bunch of crappy refined flour and salt)?

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Day 43 :: Random Observations from Week 6

It's rare for me to write a grocery list anymore. Could it be that my memory is improving, or that it's becoming rote? Fruit, veggies, whole grains, yogurt, fish, green tea, E-G-G-S!

Peppercorns are like gold in my house. Seriously, I've bought 3 jars in the last month.

I know my body needs the rest, but on jump-only Mondays I actually miss the strength training.

Everything is getting the PCP bump these days. I've started doing speed walking intervals with the dogs -- good for them, good for me.

In Autumn and Spring, I'll generally clean out the closet a bit, donate stuff I haven't worn in a while and treat myself to a new sweater or two. Lately, I've only been thinking about cold weather exercise pants and performance layers. Wha... ?

I'm also thinking about getting this as D's holiday gift. The weekly softball games aren't trimming that little spare tire he's been working on, and I think it would drag him away from the couch/computer. (Bonus: I get to play, too!)

Sunday 25 October 2009

Day 41 :: Soothing Sunday

Mellow morning, coffee and a warm puppy in my lap -- it's moments like this when I feel so fortunate.

Starting a new yoga meditation workshop with a favorite teacher today, which will be my reward for a week of work demands and PCP training. Looking forward to the 2 hours of calm quietude.

Had the strangest food issues yesterday! I think it was due to eating breakfast too late and throwing off my whole meal clock. I was basically stuffed and could barely finish any meal after breakfast. Usually I'm packing it in happily, and somewhat hungrily. But yesterday, my body was all, Stop. Can't. Eat. Another. Bite. Crazy. Woman. Had to ditch my p.m. carb servings entirely. Weird.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Friday 23 October 2009

Day 39 :: Feeling Fine

So, I'm having a "can't believe how great the PCP is" day!

Got an early start to get in my jumps before breakfast. Patrick's last email spilled my favorite fat burning secret of jumping/cardio prior to breakfast, though I've yet to try the a.m. workout before coffee. Hmm.

I FINALLY had time (OK I stole a little time from work) to hit the yoga mat, and the fruits of these 6 weeks of PCP continue to amaze me. While my arms and shoulders are slightly sore and tired, they have so much more power. Headstand is more steady now that the back and abs are in the game. Still can't get off the wall in forearm balance, but I'm so much less wobbly. I'm finally getting the whole "balance of ease and effort" as it applies to asana. Everything is deeper and my poses are much more engaged -- truly a fabulous practice today!

Now, I've got to get through some work tasks, then I can hit my strength training. No problem because my PCP-fueled energy levels will keep me powering through.

PS. New photo posted, and I'm getting a little excited about the possibility of a six-pack. Never had one before. Can you say fabdominals?

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Day 37 :: Thank You Note

A post from E reminded me to take a moment and thank the home crew for their patience and support.

To my man D, sincere thanks for:
  • Putting up with going out for dinner less (next indulgence is Indian at the Ambassador, my treat!) and eating separate meals earlier than we used to.
  • Still snuggling up to me through my gray moods.
  • Giving me tips on pull-ups and showing me that it's even hard for a guy to do them.
  • Watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report on such a low volume that your old man ears can barely hear it.
  • Trying to go back to sleep when the PCP workout alarm sounds before dawn (and trying to stay asleep through the din of jumproping and occasional curse storm that comes with it).

To pups Zyg and Vee, thanks for:
trying so hard to keep from sitting on me during ab work;
meticulously cleaning the yogurt cups before they go to recycling;
and waiting so patiently for walk/play times!

Big love to the home crew, and Happy Wednesday to all my PCPeeps!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Day 36 :: A Slight Case of the Grumps

The last few days I've been dragging a bit. The weather has finally cleared, but I've been slammed with projects and unable to break free for any fun stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the work (being a heavily employed freelancer in an uncertain economy is a good thing!), but when it gets in the way of a yoga class (as it did today), I get a little fussy.

But it's more than that, and as per usual there was an email from Patrick to underscored the point. What is this slight malaise that's plaguing me?

Is it the shifting daylight as we slowly cruise toward the depths of Autumn? Maybe. I was thinking the other day that Spring/Summer would have been a more optimum time to tackle the PCP. Less clothes to weigh you down, and more variety of fruits! (It's hard to find more than apples, pears, grapes, and kiwi lately.)

Is it the routine nature of PCP? The working out EVERYDAY for the last 36 days, categorizing foods and counting grams? I think I even dreamt in carbs, protein and veggie the other night, like it was another language!

I know, I know. I signed up for this challenge and believe you me, I'm committed to the hilt! But we're not even halfway through this shebang, and December seems so far off.

Sigh. For now, I'm just going to keep focusing on that halfway marker. Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot...

Saturday 17 October 2009

Day 33 :: Has Anyone Seen the Sun?

Gaaaaaah! It has rained non-stop for the last 3 days, with temperatures in the mid-40's (F). NOT a favorite type of weather for girl who grew up in the tropics -- even my dogs are reluctant to venture out.

So, I'll stay in and get things done. Maybe dedicate a few extra ab sessions to whoever is in charge of the big ball of sky fire in hopes that they send it back soon!

New pic posted now that the staff photographer is rebounding from a cold (hope the PCP fruit-rich diet keeps those germs away from me). Still minimal surface change evident, but I'm definitely feeling stronger.

Rain, rain, go away!

Thursday 15 October 2009

Day 31 :: One Month Down, Two to Go

It's chilly and drizzly here on the Mid-Atlantic coast (rain in the forecast for the next three days, blech!), but I'm grateful for a solid workout routine that can be done at home.

Still don't big heart the jumprope, sorry to say. I did finally find a leather one that keeps a clean arc, so here's to small improvements.

What I DO love is the strength training and (sick pup that I am)
was thrilled to see supersets on our workout list for week five. Ladies, prepare to be a little sore -- in a good way!

Oh, but those ab sets are killers, and ooooo, 8-minute abs. Added that to the routine this morning. Wow, that music... still laughing! Y'know, I don't use the word "gang" enough.

Almost did a full pull-up the other day. I was cooked for the rest of the sets and had to switch to barely doing inclines, but still, almost one real pull-up! Could it be that this PCP thing is actually working?

The diet has become a solid habit, and I can eyeball grams fairly accurately now. Eggs are becoming a little dull, though. Hey Emily,
any good recipe tips to share?

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Day 29 :: Wine and Weekend

On Friday evening and after 20 days of complete teatotaling, I indulged in a glass of Pinot Noir. Hmm. Such an odd soup of emotion and thought swirled about my head as I opened the bottle. Anticipation, yes... mild excitement, sure... a touch of nervousness, hmm... and is that... a hint of guilt?

D bore witness as I took my first sip and (warning: really hokey but fitting adjective to come) it was absolutely ENCHANTING!
Wine was certainly the most complex taste that I'd experienced in a while -- what with all my PCP clean living, it hit me hard! Suddenly,
I was transformed into a sommelier with a mild case of Turrets, and started uncontrollably blurting out a string of single word praises:

Stranger still was that after a half glass, the magic kinda wore off.
Sure, it was still yummy, but all the mental fanfare quickly died back. Instead, I started thinking about empty calories, the impact of alcohol consumption on the body's fat burning process, and... holy cow, was I actually getting tipsy from this half glass?!

I remember reading a Dr. Dean Ornish book a while back (not sure of the title), one where he mentioned mindful "treating" and how it can help us stick with more healthful food choices. He wrote that while he kept a very healthy, near vegetarian diet, he would still permit a treat of chocolate ice cream because he had taught himself to indulge wisely. He went on to explain that in his experience, the genuine pleasure and satisfaction only existed in the first few tastes of ice cream, following that it was just cold, creamy, overly sweet stuff.

Back then, I didn't quite relate. I'm not much for sweets, ice cream or chocolate (I know, it's really weird), but with this indulgence experiment, I completely understood. When D asked if I wanted a second glass, I realized that I really didn't. I enjoyed that one glass and it was enough that night. What I really wanted was to wake up early and clear headed so I could workout and grab a yoga class in the morning.
Saturday night a friend gifted us tickets to an evening with Ira Glass, a Baltimore hometown hero. Another exercise in mindfulness as I avoided the cocktail and snack tables at the pre-party, sticking instead with another favorite, soda water and lime. Ira was there working the crowd -- such a nice guy. All and all a truly an enjoyable presentation with one of NPR's finest.
On Sunday afternoon, I caught up with a friend. When she asked what was new, I had to cringe a little as D told her about PCP. (Audience depending, I try to avoid the crazy looks people give when they link me with any kind of "diet"). But after I thoroughly explained the details, her eyebrows lowered and she was genuinely interested.

We discussed the program for a while and at some point I caught myself explaining that I'd worked out every day for the last 27 days. (Me: Wow!). She was impressed but had to joke that I had officially become one of "those people" -- ha, ha.

You know what, though? That same friend texted on Monday to say that she'd been to the gym that morning, had a full workout and sauna. She even ate/drank less at dinner the night before. All because she was inspired by my fitness efforts. How about that?

Not a bad weekend.

Friday 9 October 2009

Day 25 -- Really?

A quick post before I dash out for meetings. Can't quite believe that we're already at day 25!

New pic posted and not much apparent change, except maybe around the caboose area. I think it's mostly internal this week -- strength, energy and mood are definitely up, up, up. We'll see what those v-sits and floor jumps yield.

Oh, and the big smile? Shot the photos after reading Patrick's email permitting an indulgence this week. No brainer on the what -- it's red wine, fo sho! But I find myself carefully considering the when, and that's a great feeling. Will write more about the deed once it's done.

T-Jiggy-I-F to all my PCPeeps, and happy indulgences to Emily, Jonti, Denise, and Naomi!

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Day 23 -- Random Observations from Week Three

I'm starting to see more significant body changes taking place this past week. Feeling firmer overall, standing and sitting posture has improved as my back/abs build in strength.

There are days when I'd rather eat a broken glass and vaseline sandwich than pick up that damn jumprope. (But I don't think the nutrition plan allows for vaseline!)

My weight has stayed EXACTLY the same, like, to the ounce, but clothes are fitting better. Even wore a midriff bearing top to a yoga class yesterday.

There are fewer "erghs" and "grrs" when I'm hefting heavy things like dog food bags and shopping baskets. Except when it's my own butt out of a chair -- then it's, "oooooooomph, my sore quad/calf muscles!"

During the day I have more energy and pep, with no afternoon slumps. Go, go, Gadget Everything! That is, except after 8pm when all bets are off. It's as if my whole body starts to power down in the evenings.

I'm sooooooo boring now. Up before sunrise, packing my own meals, tea totaling, and in bed by 10pm.

There's already more shazam in my yoga practice, even though I only get a session in 3 x per week. Now, I just need to start incorporating those goal postures...

Fruit with yogurt is the stuff of dreams. I think it will be my #1 snack choice for the rest of my days. Love it, love it, want to marry it, LOVE IT!

Keeping up with the blogging is one of the more challenging aspects of the PCP, but there's great motivation in knowing that my PCPeeps are slogging through with me!

Saturday 3 October 2009

Day 19 -- Defeat No. 1, or They Should Just Call Them Hang-Theres!

Arrrrrrrrrrgh! The jumps have become more difficult this last week, and I can't seem to get through a set of 80 without a trip up towards the end. It's probably a combination of sore leg muscles, increasing jump counts and a rather crappy jumprope (this is the second I've purchased, and today will be shopping for a third), but it's been frustrating.

So far, I haven't once broken the PCP routine. I get up early to workout, prep food and eat breakfast. I count my grams and pack my meals for dinners with friends. I've happily sipped tea while everyone else is enjoying a lovely cabernet. I've missed Stewart and Colbert for the last two weeks because I'm zonked well before 11pm. I've bulldozed through the jumps as they've gotten harder, counting sets backwards and saying out loud, "only 3 more sets...".

Until today, when I couldn't make it through 20 jumps without tripping!! Try after try, I couldn't get it working and those fricken' jumps had me damn near close to tears. I stumbled through 3 sets and gave up, dropped the rope (though I wanted to THROW it!), opting for a light run instead -- the whole time thinking that I'm only 20 days in, how the hell am I going to make it to 90?

Then there's those damn pull-ups. HA! Even with curses, gritted teeth, sweat, and fury, I can hardly get 1/8 of the way to the bar. Suddenly, I'm catapulted back to 7th grade gym class, dangling from a pull-up bar and being timed for the Annual Physical Fitness test. My instructor says if I can't pull myself up, I can just hang there for the 30 seconds. Thanks for playing, but no presidential award for you.
Once again, I give up on a listed exercise and go for the incline pull-ups instead. Those have improved slightly and at least I'm doing something for my back muscles.

Must admit, I'm feeling a little bummed.