Wednesday 30 September 2009

Day 16 -- Make 'Em Count

Comment from D as he watched me strength train this a.m.:
"Funny (coffee sip), I didn't realize m*therf*cker came after eleven."

Sunday 27 September 2009

Day 13 -- Rounding the Bend on Week Two

First off, a huge congrats to the 90 day group! Looking forward to reading your final posts -- what you've learned, how you've changed, how it differed from what you expected. As we push, grunt and sweat our way into week three, I know I'll keep coming back to your experiences and successes. Good luck as you transition back into "normal" life, and let us know how it goes.

Shout out to Melanie and Heather -- the new 125 day PCPers. Sometimes life hands you a big old crap sandwich, and it totally sucks. Just know that it doesn't make either of you ladies any less FABULOUS! Big respect for you refusing to stay knocked down. Keep it up!
This weekend marked my first encounter with cravings. Nothing makes my Friday evening more "ahhh, relaxing" than to welcome the weekend with a glass of luscious red wine. I can do without added sugar, salt, fat, even caffeine, but I knew wine would be a challenge. Especially after a bear of a week. Would my willpower hold strong?

So D opened a bottle to pour himself a glass, and (following Patrick's tip) I made myself a cup of tea. I'm proud to say that the cravings came and went relatively quickly. It was an interesting practice to sit and watch these feelings surge and fall away. I know they'll come again, but I think I can take them.
Small physical changes are taking place already. Per my previous post, I've been cutting back on yoga to make room for everything PCP, only getting in a few practices this past week. It's been a good thing, though. Coming back to the mat I've seen that gaining some leg strength has opened up a few poses dramatically. It actually surprised me!
It sounds like we'll have a little less food next week. May be speaking for myself, but I'm all for trimming a bit off of dinner! Be careful what you wish for though, yes?

Thursday 24 September 2009

Day 10 -- Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

I've decided that this new diet has me eating like a farmhand. Granted, not the same kinds of foods a farmhand might ingest, but it feels like my week two meal sizes are in line with someone fueling for a hard day of physical labor.

Of course, this is from the perspective of a former grazer/light daily eater. The average breakfast used to be (if I ate one at all), fruit with yogurt, maybe some toast, and that would hold me until lunch. But that was the BEFORE time. Today's breakfast? Baked zucchini, yellow squash, red onion and peppers, topped with two eggs fried in a little olive oil. PLUS, two slices of whole grain toast and half a cup of greek yogurt. It was all out delicious, but WHEW!

What really knocks me out is that I was actually hungry for the mid-morning snack and lunch.
Another adjustment has been making time for BOTH the PCP workout regimen and my regular yoga practice (oh yeah, and work). I'm giving PCP the priority, so yoga has been taking a back seat the last two days. Poopers!

I should be able to make time to hit the mat tomorrow and again this weekend, but I wrestle with it a bit. Part... er, scratch that... most of that struggle is mental. I know this level of cross-training will make me a lean, green, yoga machine, but in weeks to come these PCP workouts will become more time intensive. Just how much yoga can I push off and still feel dedicated to the practice? Plus, there's life, love, work, and what not to tend to. Maybe that balancing act is also part of the practice? Hmmm.
Other than that, things are going pretty well. 'Cept those durn incline pull-ups! I did manage to complete my sets getting about half-way to the bar today, which I think is an improvement. Still, it's a little disconcerting given that I can tackle all the other exercises with great form, and those inclines are just laughable. So I laugh and keep reminding myself, I'm here to get stronger, I'm here to get stronger, I'm here to get stronger...
OK, taking a break from work so's me and the dawgs can do a lap around the back forty -- later ya'll!

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Day 9 -- Gettin' Figgy with It

HOLY MOLY, but the week 2 PCP plan has me eating A LOT of food!
I mean, WOW!

I'm sure that I'm feeding growing muscles, but last night's dinner was giiii-normous! Looking forward to hearing more from Patrick on the volume of this diet.

Anyhoo. Given the amount of fruits and veggies (have I mentioned that it's A-friggin'-LOT?!) I'm eating this week, I'm trying to broaden my usual range and explore new produce. Luckily, I've got a natural foods market right down the street where I found figs on sale. Never had a fig before, and these were fresh, organic, slightly sweet, and delish!

That aside, the workouts are going well -- all except for those incline pull-ups. Sheesh. My push-ups have improved, but those damn pull-ups may take some time. We'll see how tomorrow's set feels...

Hope everyone is having a good Weds., and Happy Autumn!
Where did the Summer go?

Monday 21 September 2009

Day 7

Anyone else feel like they're at the start of a roller coaster ride? You know, where the car is making that looong, slow climb to the first dip, and juuuuuust as you're about to crest the top, you're thinking, "Holy crap, am I really ready for this?"

I'm sitting on my hands trying to keep from constantly checking the email for our week 2 plan, and the anticipation is making me giddy!
Or, could it be the nagging hunger from a week of half-meals?
Planning to celebrate this last "free" dinner with a little wine.
(Oh red wine, how I'm going to miss you!)

Hope everyone has a delightful evening of half-treats!

Sunday 20 September 2009

Random Thoughts from Week 1

Half portions have made me realize that I've got a habit of not eating enough during the day, and consuming a higher percentage of my daily calories at night.

I've been physically hungry for each meal, and that's made food taste even more delicious.

Being mindful while eating is a pleasurable practice that I've often neglected on busy workdays.

When out at a restaurant, I don't necessarily need to eat the entire portion if half will satisfy me.

Slowly savoring one glass of wine can be enough.

A week's worth of Down Dogs and Chaturanga don't get into the chest muscles the way a set of good old fashioned pushups can.

I have not been doing enough cardio over the last few years.

Forgot how much I love situps. Sick, I know, but there it is.

Reading Patrick's "Embracing the Suck" post has pointed out that tight inner thighs are keeping me from fully opening in several asanas. Looks like I've got more than inversions to work on.

Comments from friends/family/others have been interesting:
  • "You're thin already, you don't need to do this."
  • " I soooo wish I had the desire/time/drive to do that."
  • "No alcohol?!? For how long?!?"
  • "You're going to cheat, right?"

90 days is a long time, but I am so in for this challenge. Looking forward to next week's diet and exercise instructions. To borrow from Jonti, Bring it!

Friday 18 September 2009

Day 4

Half-day Hungry Haiku

Oh, how my tummy
rumbles and grumbles today.
Is it lunchtime yet?

Thursday 17 September 2009

Day 3 -- Don't Have Time, or Don't Make Time?

Up early to get in PCP training, yoga practice and a blog entry before the bulk of a busy workday. It's an effective trick learned with past workout programs -- get it going first thing and there's this great sense of accomplishment for the rest of the day. Last minute deadlines and lack of motivation tend to plague me by close of business, and not getting in my workout can foil my mood for sure.

True story. I was talking to a friend a while back about my fitness practices, and she was complaining about her lack of exercise. Being a busy, high-powered corporate exec, she felt that she never had time to work out, but could always find 4-5 hours to flop in front of the TV each night. Then she stopped, her eyes widened, and she mimed a smack in the forehead. It was one of those "therapist" moments when you're talking out loud, in search of an answer and out it comes, from your very own lips.

There was a treadmill parked in front of said TV shortly thereafter.

I think about that exchange often and use it as motivation to get myself out of bed on a cold morning. Am I making the time to do something great for my body, mind and spirit, or am I just making excuses that will leave me grumpy at the end of the day?

Then, I think about Ben Stiller as Starsky, and just DO IT, DO IT! (Dumb movie, but the line makes me laugh.) Whatever works, right?


So far, so good. The jump roping takes more energy than I thought, but the strength training is a breeze. (Ah, Patrick will say just you wait, ladies!).

Half portions, bah! Though, doesn't food taste extra yummy when you're hungry?

Tuesday 15 September 2009

4 Sets of 10 (or, Why I'm Here)

Earlier this year, I did something quite impressive. OK, maybe not like, solving the world energy crisis impressive, but still an interesting feat. Just this last May, I turned 40.

Yep, that's right, 40 years old. The big four-uh-oh. Officially gone from Miss to Ma'am. 40 trips around the Earth's sun. Kicking it for four full decades. Listening to the hits of the 70's, 80's, 90's, and 00's in real time.

Or, my inner critic's absolute favorite, "Welcome to the start of your middle-aged years!"

Don't get me wrong, this is not a lament about turning 40 -- no way. For the most part, I'm fairly OK with hurdling this milestone. Mainly because I don't feel 40 at all (more like, 25 with 15 years of experience). I'm in good shape, exercise daily and eat well. I run my own business, genuinely know my craft front to back, and clients listen when I offer my opinion. Personal life is full and peaceful, all because my past mistakes have been my greatest gurus.

Though, if statistics and heredity hold true, there are now as many years ahead as there are behind me. It's a sobering thought to consider this biological equinox, and that merits a little soul searching. What do I want for my next 40 years?

Which brings me to why I've signed up for The Peak Condition Project.

I've been dabbling on and off in yoga, meditation and eastern philosophies since college, but in my later 30's began to reinvest more fully. Lately, it's been my deepest wish to make yoga a bigger part of my world, and for the rest of my life. I want to amp up my own practice and help inspire others to explore the gifts of yoga. I'd sincerely love to enter a teacher training program.

Then there's my inner party pooper again, that little voice that ignites my doubts and taunts me with, "Yeah, but you're 40 now! Middle-aged, remember? Don't you know it's all downhill from here? Yoga teacher training is too hard! You'll never make it!"

I hear it, I acknowledge it, but I don't believe that pesky little voice. Turning 40 has given me great perspective. Perspective to know that the voice is more often wrong than right, and that it cranks the volume when I'm the most afraid to step into unfamiliar territory. I've also learned that going from the known into the unknown is where amazing growth can take place, and that most obstacles are 90% mental.

So here I am, stepping up to this challenge with my own little pledge of allegiance:
  • I believe that PCP can help me build greater upper body and core strength to empower my yoga practice.
  • I believe that bettering my diet and knowledge of nutrition will give me the energy to bound through my days and follow my passions.
  • I believe that commitment to PCP will prove to me (and that stupid little voice) that I've got what it takes to tackle yoga teacher training and whatever the next 40 years has in store.

All right my fellow PCPers, what say we do this thing? Day 1 exercises -- check!

Looking forward to reading your posts as we go.
Good luck, everyone!

Shelly Bloggs!

A first for me, and (keeping Patrick's original line) it's gonna be blogtastic!