So, Naomi's great post today got me thinking about which PCP exercises I like and don't like, and wondering about the rest of you.
I'm reminded of a yoga teacher that asks a similar question before her classes -- which is your most favorite pose, and which do you like the least? Of course, she works both into that session, but I always find the varying class responses most interesting.

I'd say my yoga favorites are full stretches where I feel like I'm opening up front/back/sides completely, like seated forward bend, upward bow/wheel (which PCP has greatly improved, TY!), triangle, and plow.
I also love the balancing postures like tree, half moon, shoulder stand, and dancer.

My least favorites are anything that asks my inner thighs/hips to stretch more than they really want to, as in yogic squats, frog, monkey god, wide angle forward bends, and reverse triangle. UGH! Of course, I know I've got to work on those the most.
My teacher's theory is that in yoga, the least favorite postures are usually the more challenging ones, the ones that get uncomfortable, or those that people feel they just can't do. Which is all the more reason to work through them. Actually, learning to work with "can do" and "can't do" has been an interesting practice for me. As in yoga, so in life.
For the PCP, I really had to scratch my head over which exercises I love or loathe, and I'm intensely curious about your likes and dislikes. I think my least fave has to be the pull-ups -- they continue to defeat me and I can't do them unassisted (see, there's the whole "can/can't do" struggle). My most favorite is probably the davincis -- gotta love that sweet deltoid definition!
So my PCPeeps, which of our daily exercises do you:
a) enjoy
b) hate with the passion of a thousand white hot suns, and
c) why?
b) hate with the passion of a thousand white hot suns, and
c) why?
Well, got to say my favs are the leg ups, planks (before they went past 30 sec hold), and the kung-fu sit ups. Least fav are the chin ups (I agree....have not been able to do them without assistance.....one reason to go to the gym and use the assisted machine..I use about 115 lbs for assistance...hoping to get better as time goes on), pistol squats (I try to do them....right knee and my orthopedist cringe at the thought).
ReplyDeleteWow, good questions!
ReplyDeleteThe davinci is, hands down, my least fave. I'm silently cursing the Mona Lisa by the second set. I just find it superhard, although it is my favorite exercise to watch myself do in the mirror. The muscle definition is the only thing that keeps me going. I'm also not a big fan of the bicycle—it hurts!
Squats and push-ups are probably my fave. I could do them all day. I also like the double katana. I enjoy working my triceps, and it's a familiar exercise from the old gym days.
Great post Shelly! I really enjoy doing the pull ups. I can never get through a whole set though. The most I have ever done in one go is 5. I think I just enjoy them most because, I've always had good upper body strength and because I feel they're a good measure of progress. I also like tricep dips and chest dips. Dislikes, plank - obviously and. lunges - I think this is because of my weaker right knee.
ReplyDeleteI actually love hip opening yoga stretches like wide angle forward bend. I've been working on my padmasana for a few months now, so I've been focusing a lot on hip openers. I know what you mean about reverse triangle.
I pretty much love and hate everything opposite of what you listed Shelly. Give me a reverse triangle over a wheel pose any day.
ReplyDeleteAs far as PCP exercises, I'm down with everything except double katanas. Hate those things.
Respekt, Patrick! I greatly admire the dedication you've put in to improving your splits. I suppose if I could spend more time working on mine and less complaining in the blog, I could learn to like reverse triangle, too.