Arrrrrrrrrrgh! The jumps have become more difficult this last week, and I can't seem to get through a set of 80 without a trip up towards the end. It's probably a combination of sore leg muscles, increasing jump counts and a rather crappy jumprope (this is the second I've purchased, and today will be shopping for a third), but it's been frustrating.
So far, I haven't once broken the PCP routine. I get up early to workout, prep food and eat breakfast. I count my grams and pack my meals for dinners with friends. I've happily sipped tea while everyone else is enjoying a lovely cabernet. I've missed Stewart and Colbert for the last two weeks because I'm zonked well before 11pm. I've bulldozed through the jumps as they've gotten harder, counting sets backwards and saying out loud, "only 3 more sets...".
Until today, when I couldn't make it through 20 jumps without tripping!! Try after try, I couldn't get it working and those fricken' jumps had me damn near close to tears. I stumbled through 3 sets and gave up, dropped the rope (though I wanted to THROW it!), opting for a light run instead -- the whole time thinking that I'm only 20 days in, how the hell am I going to make it to 90?
Then there's those damn pull-ups. HA! Even with curses, gritted teeth, sweat, and fury, I can hardly get 1/8 of the way to the bar. Suddenly, I'm catapulted back to 7th grade gym class, dangling from a pull-up bar and being timed for the Annual Physical Fitness test. My instructor says if I can't pull myself up, I can just hang there for the 30 seconds. Thanks for playing, but no presidential award for you.

Once again, I give up on a listed exercise and go for the incline pull-ups instead. Those have improved slightly and at least I'm doing something for my back muscles.
Must admit, I'm feeling a little bummed.
You'll have these days every once in a while, but when you push through them and keep going you'll find that within the same week you'll have an amazing day. The road to Peak Condition isn't a straight line up, it's a series of ups and downs, with the ups being cumulatively greater than the downs.
ReplyDeleteBut I understand, in the middle of a down it feels crappy. That's what the blog is for, get it all out and start fresh tomorrow.
Yup, you're right on track! We've all been there, and at points we still have days like that. No matter how hard I work at it, pull-ups elude me, but I still keep trying to do at least one. And I think my early jump rope days are infamous!
ReplyDeleteThat's what the rest of us are here for -- we can listen, sympathize, and hopefully spur you on.
Go Shelly! You can do it!
I trip about every 20 jumps on a regular day. :-) But they still count. I totally know what you mean, though. Some days everything seems harder, and it can get your enthusiasm down. Whenever that happens, I take a couple of deep breaths and think back to the first few days when doing a few hundred jumps seemed like a lot. Now we're almost up to a thousand! Just keep at it! After you conquer the pull-ups, you'll think back to this day and relish how far you've come.
ReplyDeleteYou can do it!