Sunday, 25 October 2009

Day 41 :: Soothing Sunday

Mellow morning, coffee and a warm puppy in my lap -- it's moments like this when I feel so fortunate.

Starting a new yoga meditation workshop with a favorite teacher today, which will be my reward for a week of work demands and PCP training. Looking forward to the 2 hours of calm quietude.

Had the strangest food issues yesterday! I think it was due to eating breakfast too late and throwing off my whole meal clock. I was basically stuffed and could barely finish any meal after breakfast. Usually I'm packing it in happily, and somewhat hungrily. But yesterday, my body was all, Stop. Can't. Eat. Another. Bite. Crazy. Woman. Had to ditch my p.m. carb servings entirely. Weird.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


  1. It was a little more basic than I'd hoped, but enjoyable. She's a good teacher and I always learn something new in those one-on-one situations.

    My favorite meditation gem was the instruction to sit comfortably, assuming a physical/mental place of ease and watch for anything that pulls you away from that ease. Note the distraction without judgment, and return to that place of ease.

    It's also pretty cool that I can sit upright comfortably now that my core is stronger. Before, I'd always catch myself slouching.

  2. Ooohhh, sounds great! I am a meditation novice, but P and I want to do one of those 10-day silent meditation retreats sometime.

  3. A retreat would be nice! I get the Omega and Kripalu catalogs and dream about taking one. Someday!

  4. I get those stuffed days too, usually followed by endless hunger ones... who knows what the hell is happening with something so complex as the human body?
